Writing an effective CV

Writing an effective CV and an attractive covering letter is not easy for everyone. There are no shortcuts to it - you must collect together all the relevant information about your current and previous jobs, your education and any training you have undertaken since leaving school.

Without doubt, your CV should be typed - never submit a hand written CV. Presentation is very important - it must be concise but include full details of your current or recent jobs with exact dates. Hopefully, the tips below may help you to put a CV together in a format acceptable to recruiters and employers alike.

  • Use clear headings - the information should be in blocks on the paper.
  • Make plenty of copies for future use and enclose one of them with your application letter; ensure that it is clean, up to date and with no spelling errors.
  • Be brief - it is not a life history – but not so brief you omit some of the responsibilities you have in your current role. It is particularly important if these responsibilities are relevant to the position you are applying for.
  • There are various thoughts on the best layout for CVs - you must use the method that suits you and your style best.
  • Make sure there are no gaps in your employment history – if you took a year out to travel abroad, make sure it is included in the CV.
  • Always tell the truth. If you do not have the qualification, do not pretend. If your position in a company was a Team Leader, do not quote ‘Manager’. Many companies ask for evidence of qualifications and most seek references.
  • Lastly, when you are completely satisfied with the way it looks, ask a friend or relative to check it through again. They may spot a mistake that you have missed.

Remember, if your skills or experience are relevant to any vacancy currently registered with AC Financial Recruitment, we will be happy to update your existing CV for you following formal registration.

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