Recruiter Zone

Welcome to AC Financial Recruitment's Recruiter zone.

We understand that not all Recruiters want or require the same level of functionality, so we tailor our services to suit your needs. Dependent on those needs, we can offer a flexible set of options for posting jobs, access to our CV database, and statistics so that you can track your success.

We can also offer additional services such as banner advertising and branded adverts to help promote your company or jobs. Find our more about the other services we offer below.

We've found that an integrated approach using a variety of services produces the best results. To make life simpler we’ve broken our services down into a number of related areas. To find our how we can tailor these to your needs or for more information, please register your interest and one of our consultants will be in touch to discuss your needs.

Post jobs

Find out more about our job posting features and sign up for an account to start posting jobs.

Feature Standard Job Advert Featured Job Advert Premium Job Advert
Appears in Job Results/View Pages
Appears in Latest Jobs Include
Appears in Company Profile (Where Enabled)
Appears in RSS/XML Feeds
Appears in Featured Jobs Include
Increased Weighting In Job Results
Highlighted in Job Results
Appears in Premium Jobs Include
Included in Dynamic Section of Job Results

Branded Job Adverts

Use our branded job adverts to make your role stand out! The advert will open in a new window when you access it from the job results and can use your company branding to make it stand out from the crowd! 

Advanced customisation options allow us to give these adverts company branding and a specialised layout to really make your job advert unique.

Add Banners

Advertise your company and jobs with banners throughout AC Financial Recruitment.

  • Column Banner

    Advertise your company or job with a 468 pixel by 60 pixel banner.

  • CVs by Email Banner Adverts

    Reach hundreds of recruiters every day by having your banner displayed in the automated search results email that gets sent to our "CVs by Email" subscribers.

    Price: £TBC + VAT

  • Directory Listing

    Advertise your company or job with a 468 pixel by 60 pixel banner.

  • Featured Company Advert

    Your company logo will appear throughout AC Financial Recruitment in our Featured Companies section. The logo will link to your profile and a list of your job adverts.

    Price: £TBC + VAT

  • Job Of The Week

    Advertise your company or job with a 468 pixel by 60 pixel banner.

  • Job Results Banner Adverts

    Advertise your company on the Job Results pages of AC Financial Recruitment. Your advert will appear between job results, and can be targeted at candidates looking for keywords that you specify.

    Price: £TBC + VAT

  • Job View

    Advertise your company or job with a 468 pixel by 60 pixel banner.

  • Jobs by Email Banner Adverts

    Reach thousands of candidates every day by having your banner displayed in the automated search results email that gets sent to our "Jobs by Email" subscribers.

    Price: £TBC + VAT

  • Large Home Page Banner

    Advertise your company or job with a 468 pixel by 60 pixel banner.

  • Main/Header Banner Advert

    Your advert will get maximum exposure, appearing at the top of the page on AC Financial Recruitment.

    Price: £TBC + VAT

  • Offset Column Banners

    Advertise your company or job with a 468 pixel by 60 pixel banner.

  • Peel Over Advert

    Advertise your company or job with a 500 pixel by 500 pixel banner.

  • Side Banners

    Advertise your company or job with a 468 pixel by 60 pixel banner.

  • Skyscraper Banner Advert

    A large advertising space that will appear in the sidebar of pages throughout AC Financial Recruitment.

    Price: £TBC + VAT

  • Social Media Banners

    Advertise your company or job with a 468 pixel by 60 pixel banner.

Other Options

AC Financial Recruitment offers a variety of other functionality which can be used to promote your jobs and customize them to fit your needs.

  • Appear in Company A-Z

    Have your company advertised in the site listings, with a link to your personalised company profile and a list of your current job adverts.

  • Company RSS Feed

    AC Financial Recruitment can provide a feed of your jobs which you can link to or provide to other sites.

  • HTML Job Adverts

    Use HTML Adverts for the custom formatting that you need. Use different fonts, colours, layouts and add images.

  • External Job Application Redirects

    We can redirect your applications directly to your own website so that they can provide an application with the level of detail that you need.

  • Job Filter Questions

    Focus on the all-important job skills by using custom filter questions. They will help you find the best candidates for the roles that you're advertising!

  • Company Report

    Receive regular email reports showing your the performance of your company and its adverts.

Search for Candidates

If you're looking for a candidate, try our Candidate database. You can access our Candidate's profiles and CVs quickly and easily. Use keyword searching and categories to find the best candidates for your vacancy!

Our advanced search functionality allows you to carry out natural language or boolean searches, giving you the flexibility you need in your candidate search.

You can even save your searches so that you can run them later and set up CVs by email searches so that you are sent new Candidate details on a daily basis.

Once you've found the Candidate that you are looking for, you can view statistics on their use of the site, and contact them directly.

Latest Job Listings