More Business Sectors Recruiting
More Business Sectors Recruiting
The latest report from the Lloyds Bank UK Sector Tracker (also reported in The Times) tells us that more sectors of the economy are now recruiting than have been in the last 16 months. Of the sectors covered in the tracker, financial services was second fastest in terms of pace of recruitment month-on-month. The report’s authors see this as evidence of growing confidence within the sectors examined and it is clearly positive news for jobseekers and the wider economy at a macro level.
At a micro level though, the evidence we see from LinkedIn posts and less so via national media, is that there is still a way to go for financial services recruitment. We all know good people, experienced and respected, who have been looking for a new opportunity for several months. Growing confidence and a new era of lower interest rates should help to kick start recruitment; for some jobseekers it needs to happen soon.